Virginia Gay and Zenya Carmelotti in Cyrano. Photo: Daniel J Grant Two women bow dramatically to one another, like a pair of Shakespearean actors in modern clothes. Virginia Gay’s Cyrano is a tonic for modern times

Virginia Gay’s Cyrano is a tonic for modern times

20 February 2023

Deconstructing a classic with intelligence, humour and a light touch, this Melbourne Theatre Company production promises to be a highlight of Perth Festival, writes Victoria Laurie.

Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
Darkest hours strengthen Gay’s voice

Darkest hours strengthen Gay’s voice

19 February 2023

Virginia Gay found herself in forced isolation as she reworked a classic. The actor and writer tells Julie Hosking how ‘the apocalypse’ helped shape her Cyrano and reinforced the need for human connection.

Reading time • 10 minutesTheatre
A woman with long blond hair smiles into the camera. She is wearing a black turtleneck top and sporting red lipstick. Writers Weekend: Just what the doctor ordered

Writers Weekend: Just what the doctor ordered

17 February 2023

Michelle Johnston is an emergency doctor whose lifeline is writing. In the second interview with West Australian talent ahead of Writers Weekend, she tells Julie Hosking why we need to keep looking for those slivers of joy.

Reading time • 10 minutesPerth Festival
Reading time • 7 minutesVisual Art
A singer is lost in the moment, eyes closed, one hand on their chest, the other holding a microphone. This is Kae Tempest performing at Perth Festival. Tempest takes our breath away

Tempest takes our breath away

16 February 2023

Poet and musician Kae Tempest starts their Australian tour in Perth with a breathtaking show. Ara Jansen is happy to be deprived of oxygen.

Reading time • 5 minutesMusic
Jacobus Capone, 'Untitled (Huagabreen)', 2022 Courtesy the artist and Moore Contemporary, Perth An image from Falling From Earth, showing Jacobus Capone kneeling amidst an icy landscape. Braving the elements for extreme art

Braving the elements for extreme art

14 February 2023

Like an athlete, artist Jacobus Capone puts himself through physically and psychologically gruelling challenges in a remarkable art project which brings a small piece of the mountains of Norway to Perth.

Reading time • 6 minutesVisual Art
Reading time • 6 minutesTheatre
Reading time • 5 minutesPerth Festival
Reading time • 6 minutesPerth Festival
Author Holden Sheppard smiles broadly into the camera. He is sporting a small black mohawk on an otherwise bare head and wears a black t-shirt and silver and black jewellery. Writers Weekend: Love from the fringes

Writers Weekend: Love from the fringes

13 February 2023

Rather than fight his feelings as an outsider, Holden Sheppard uses them to empower his work – and connect with others. In the first of a series of interviews ahead of Writers Weekend, he tells Julie Hosking why authentic voices matter.

Reading time • 10 minutesPerth Festival

Cleaver Street Studio

Cleaver Street Studio


Cleaver Street Studio